Engineering Unit
Remarkable development of country`s industries, needs of industrial complexes and projects for skillful contractors, reduplicated the necessary of designing , construction and installation department in Petro Sanaat-e-Jonoob Group. So , considering facilities and potential of the group, all activities related to designing , equipment providing and installation , pipe lines , machinery , the appliances and apparatus of industrial complexes in this unit by the use of potential , technical knowledge , professional personal , co-workers and internal and external associates were conducted.
This group tries to nationalize the equipment`s designing, construction, installation machinery and etc, in the country`s industries especially petroleum, gas and petro-chemistry.
This department is divided into three sections of designing, installation and construction.
In each of them the related Telecommunications and process have been done.
The most important activities in this department are as following:
- Designing , construction and installation all kinds equipment , instruments , stationary and rotary industrial mechanical devices , pipelines and transferring material needed for industries.
- Designing , constructing and installing , equipment and electronic , conditioning and refrigerating system.
- Designing and operating production , distribution and power transition system.
- Operating solar energy systems and gas – fuel based generators.
- Designing, operating and installing control system. Instrumentation automation, analyzer and telecommunication in industrial complexes.
- Designing and operating radio system, internal telephone network and alarm and firefighting systems in industrial complexes.
- Designing and operating informatics system including computer networks , data transfer and producing software needed for industrial complexes .